Ecocide: proudly sponsored by OPEC+.

I've putzed around on TikTok a number of times and I'm thrilled to say I absolutely hate it. It means my attention-span is still longer than four seconds.

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In the land of five-second attention spans, the half-hour man is king.

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Good one, Fancy 👏

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A comedy warrior's heart.

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Ecocide (noun): 1. The longest running group participation sport in history. 2. The end of civilization, crowdsourced. 3. The reason why all time travelers you meet from the future are cockroaches.

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Love the article about not seeing the baby. Remember the Seinfeld episode with a similar plot?

A couple first expects a baby then expects the world to ooh and ahh over that baby. Then they expect their baby to be a genius. Too many expectations. I am proud to say I was not one of those moms. When one couple with older kids wanted hubby and I to bring our twin toddlers to their home it was solely for their viewing pleasure. (Or to feel the relief of not having toddlers anymore.) Hubby and I chased our toddlers around their home trying to keep them safe while our audience pointed and giggled. We learned fast and stayed home.

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Thank you! For both the praise and parental sanity.

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Yayy! Thank you!

Never heard of Oshi no Ko. Looks intense.

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Well-earned, kick me an address when you get the chance.

I'm warming up to Oshi No Ko. Every time it starts to feel a little familiar, the author pulls a load-bearing Jenga block.

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There's an earnestness to a lot of those series that makes them hit harder than expected, too. I stan Naoki Urasawa's Monster and Pluto partly for that.

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Monster is certifiably something special. I do appreciate that earnestness, it's practically a signature. I need to catch up with civilization and read Pluto.

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I knew nothing about Pluto going in, so the final act was a massive surprise. Monster is still my all-time favorite anime/manga and anyone reading this should absolutely check it out.

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Ecocide- the view out the back of your Hummer

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