I’m winning, have no idea what’s happening AND I could use a snack!

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That confusion’s what life is all about. Stay the course.

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Slur (noun): Because racism works best when you keep it to a 2nd grade reading level.

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SLUR is to blur as stick is to brick. Kind of. Alternatively, a slur is when we (indistinctly) (as if drunk on Mad Dog) make offensive sounds rather than keeping the sounds to ourselves. If I saw a 6’4” honkey-cracker who looks like me and thought, “Look at the at honkey-cracker who looks like me” it would not be a slur. If I approached the lanky white guy and said, “What up! you tall drink of honkey-cracker, why do you look like me?” this would be a slur. It’s an accusation mixed with observation mixed with a tiny bit of fun, if you’re willing to be that kind of fun. Fair to wonder why nobody says this: that bigots have fun while being bigots, within their idea of fun. Doesn’t “having fun specific to that person’s blind universe” explain most erratic behavior? Putin has been having so much fun he can’t shit straight. Same with Trump. Every new lawsuit is a blast. “Stop having fun” would be a more constructive response than all the columns in all the papers. Morons don't understand anything but Moron. Don't confuse them with language. This they might hear and go “oh, I see, I’m the only one having any fun, got it.” This also explains drug addiction, cats and swing-sets. Masturbation? No. That's fun for all. If only Putin would learn how, he might leave us alone. Amen.

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You'll be thrilled to know my wife is now a board member of the Princeton Club of Chicago. She's also been buying orange and black gear for our kids in advance of a summer picnic this July. Further, I read in Princeton Weekly about the new anti-woke, conservative student movement. Not writing about this stuff in the future, however, would be the biggest crime.

I'll noodle on slur. So much potential.

Edit: I picked up Michael's book too. Just gotta find time to read it.

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Orange and black picnic gear. I’d forgotten that the cult is colorblind. I admire teaching kids to ignore bullying early, it’ll be good for their confidence.

I’ll definitely do one of those Expensive Evil bits about the trip. It’s actually my main motive for tagging along.

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That's the spirit.

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Slur: Bigotry's flower.

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Very fancy.

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Thank you!

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