Extra Evil - Damming that River
Today’s Fortune: Serving in hell's also an option.

Ron DeSantis inspired more mockery than usual.
Korean reunification might not be in the cards.
Students ditched doxxing for chemical warfare.
The U.K.picked up the proxy war tab.
India unveiled a monument against peace.
A good thing happened! More malaria vaccines! Put down the gun!
Today's Mood

War Journal
You know, we don’t have to all go nuts at once. We should take shifts. Then we’ll always have someone awake at the wheel. There’s a lot of swerving right now, and I’d rather live through duller history.

Ever thrown at a dunk tank? Or sat in one? It’s good fun.
Ever been robbed by history? Less fun.
One day in undergrad, we had a dunk tank, a heat wave, and a crowd. And I was an elite dunk tank barker. Premium banter. With another hour I could’ve started a riot.
But education’s an intense spoilsport. The carnival game’s a spinoff of “Dunk the Negro,” which isn’t the peak of black triumph. I’ll never get to play a guiltless carnival heel again. More proof that learning is, by and large, a mistake.
That’s progress: now that the game’s harmless and profitable, I can’t play.
I’m tipping the hand of this week’s bonus a bit. Consider this a “making of.”

On one hand, I’m completely fried. On the other, there’s still a lot to do. But it’s okay, because it’s 3 AM.
The Present
I taught the 1900HOTDOG faithful Russology.

I decided to remind the world about the Dread Emperor.

Finally, you can bring game night and sexual harassment together.

I recapped of PETA's many, many horrorshow flash games.

Everything Abridged is a book by me, for you.
The Past
Here’s a story about bringing our habits to the starts.
The Future
Tomorrow, I’ll mail out a humor short. Hopefully you have a good time with it.

I might finish my reality TV article trilogy this week. It depends how deep-fried my brain is after today.
Not Brought to You By
“Anyone can dream.” Inspirational words from this week’s arms dealer.
Obviously, Northrop Grumman doesn’t sell to mortals. But they do recruit among us. This spot tells dreamers a story.
Open on: all-American children, playing hide-and-seek. Not to be confused with cowering through bombardment.

“I wish I could blast these dorks through cover,” thinks a normal child.

He grows into a normal adult, who makes seeing through shelter possible. A semi-complete story.

What happens next? Anything! You’re a dreamer, at Northrop Grumman. You can even imagine survivors.
Creativity: C+
Persuasion: D+
Sanity: F-
One Sentence Reviews
The Night Comes for Us (Rewatch): A letter to violence itself. (4.5/5)
Lewis Black - Tragically I Need You: My second favorite Enter Sandman entrance. (3.5/5)
Alice in Chains - Dirt: I’m late. (4/5)
Rope Opera: How WCW Killed Vince Russo: A revelation. (Art/5)
Open Question
Signing off
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