Inflation's eye opened in the last scene.
Lindsay Graham's enthusiasm for state's rights evaporated.
Twenty-first century humans asked for royal deference.
Ukraine gets to stay on maps.
American life expectancy went down to Monday.
NASA's moon rocket might launch by my birthday.
War Journal
Next Friday, I'll be thirty-one. Not a bad number. Enough independence to travel alone, enough strength to survive rows with bad form. I'll take that.
Scratch that about surviving. Just when I'd recovered from Kolkatan water, my back went into open rebellion. It wants me to concede a shoulder and at least half a buttock before I'm allowed to lift anything.
I'm a big believer in trying things out. Mediums, projects, diversions, etc. It's why my body of work looks as odd and diffuse as it does: I'm not convinced your persona is set until you're buried. Even then, they might find something under your mattress that changes the tone.
Unfortunately, some collabs fell through this year. Most notably a prank riffing on the Republican CRT push that I was deeply proud of. Along with a nascent comic, a medium I've tried to tiptoe into since escaping elementary school. I'm hoping that Weeaboo Hell doesn't join that list, but Sam's tied up.
Still, the science experiments aren't over. I look forward to failing more visibly and entertainingly in my new year on the planet. Thank Hlodin I never tried YouTube novelty songs.
RRR and Prey provided me immense amounts of fresh joy. I'm a lifelong action movie consumer and defender, and these made it feel worthwhile. I'd still trade a kneecap for a third The Raid.
I can ollie now. Like most games, skating is improved by a jump button.
The Present
Mark Millar's Nemesis still exists, and I'm ready to ruin your week explaining it.
There's been nice feedback on this Exclusive Evil article. Hopefully it reflects reality.
There's also endorphins to be found in my previous 1-900-HOTDOG column.
Wish you could make first contact? Maye not.
Imagine the joy that Everything Abridged could bring you..
The Past
It's been just long enough to reflect on Sanity Inspection Grades.
The Future
I'm putting up a prank today, ideally. We'll see how it rolls.
Mysterious Project X remains in the judgement of others.
My next column is coming along. Get hyped.
Mysterious Project Y will be done when it's done.
One Sentence Reviews
Ice Cream Man, Vol. 1: Hell yeah. (4/5)
Prey: Hell yeah! (4.5/5)
Plutocracy: The graphic novel, not the system. (3/5)
I Hate Fairyland (Vol. 1): Inspired cartooning stapled to comedy that never quite makes it. (3/5)
I Hate Fairlyand (Vol. 2): It remains so. (3/5)
Open Question
Signing off
Thanks for reading Extra Evil, which remains evil in excess. Share it for evil.
Happy upcoming b-day. I peaked physically at 32, then starting at 33 every three years I've noticed a drop off in my physicality while also reaching a new higher baseline of joint pain. So, you have that to look forward to.
I finished Everything Abridged! Incredible piece of work. My favorites were Bipolar Tendencies, Liberty Points, and Recent Activity. And of course the entire glossary. I'll hype it on Twitter but nobody will care. Sad.
The elevator piece is awesome. I riffed on something analogous here, which you might like:
Finally, Prey delivered! And I had no idea RRR was a thing (canceled Netflix before it became cool). May have to resubscribe for a month...