Extra Evil - War Parole
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Today’s Fortune: Life's not about the countries you flatten. It's about the yellow cake you strove for.
Extra Evil The Dennard Dayle Newsletter October 20, 2021 "War Parole"
We missed the starting gun in the arms race. A Maryland couple sold military secrets for the perfect Rosenberg costumes. The IMF expects recent developments in the IMF to depress Middle Eastern economies. Russia shut down the NATO office in Moscow. Also, NATO had an office in Moscow. China announced to the rest of the car that it's not touching Taiwan. Doesn't returning to spy games feel good? Maybe we're almost past this.
War Journal
I've had sudden, inexplicable, and intense headaches for about a week now. Which is wonderful career news. If I go half as far as Whoopi Goldberg, it'll beat every projection I had for myself.
My web host still chooses failure, every time. I'll be switching in the winter. Feel free to send in suggestions on providers and process. Or, at the very least, discreet ways of messing with tech companies.
The Present
This week's Weeaboo Hell is one of my favorite we've done, period. We talk about Chainsaw Man, the discussion goes at a great pace, and none of the technology present betrayed me. Perfect.
My New Yorker article is now out in print. I could never have done it without the icon of black success, Colin Powell. Without him, I'd never have known I could convert the misery of others into personal glory. Thank you Colin. Wherever you are, I hope it's warm.
The Past
I wrote this insanity during a workshop on writing work emails. I don't know why they didn't fire me, and I don't know why I didn't put some version of this in my book.
The Future
My book Everything Abridged inches closer. It's the peak of everything I've tried to communicate as a writer, so consider preordering it.
I have something incredibly dumb coming down the pipeline. If my host got its act together, it'd be out already. But I am a patient, merciful man.
One Sentence Reviews
The Degenerates: Like a true anthology, it has some of the best and worst bits I've heard in a while. (3.5/5) Hostmonster/Bluehost: They keep finding innovative new ways to fail me. (1/5) Chainsaw Man: I'll perform whatever task it takes to get you to read this. (5/5)
Signing off
Thanks for reading Extra Evil, the newsletter that spams Hydro Pump. -DD